Monday, August 30, 2010

si poser

this my sister..she is a poser..
suke sgt amek gmbr...hndset ni pnoh dgen gmbr dier jer...grm2...thn ni mek spm..gud luck eh bdk kcik...jgn degil cakap kakngah ni....hehheheh

Saturday, August 28, 2010

my little gurlz

love her so much..she likes my twins...
my favourite if i come back home,i like to kisz her cheek..misz her too much

break- the fast

so delicious...i can' remember with the flavour..with the
mashed potatoes,chicken and coleslaw.But today i have to eat rice with chicken sad..i know cafe assume many
student going out to only a few stall open..
but its ok..i can eat anything..

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


A baby is a very young child who is born after coming out of a woman. A child is a newborn till a month old, a baby until he or she is about three years old, and a preschooler between 3 years old and school.

An infant is a human child at the youngest stage of life. Some people say that infancy is until someone can walk, while some say infancy is the time before the age of one. An infant less than 1 month old is a newborn. Newborns can be premature infants, postmature infants and full term newborns.

After learning to walk, infants are called toddlers, usually when they are 1-3 years old. They can be considered to be toddlers by any woman, including if they are a lady.

true love

true love require no words

Friday, August 6, 2010

my love

the man that love is so special
we share laugh,tears with him
i pray for god that our relationship with happy ever after
to that man...i want to scream through my heart...that..
i love you the one for me...
your my u till the end